about me
Birthdate: May 6, 2010 (Age 11) | Height: 4'9" | Eye Color: Greenish | Hair Color: Brown | Weight: 75 lbs
Commercial & Public Speech
9-1-1/ Reoccurring, Christopher Diaz/ Fox Network, Bradley Buecker
Family Fun Magazine/ cover
Tommy Hilfiger Adaptive Principal/ surf boy/ James Rath/ Humble
Walmart "Let My Love Open the Door" Principal The Malloys/ Superprime
Honda "Best Friends" Principal Pucho Mentasti/ Parana Films
Inspired by Drive "Turn" Principal Harrison Wilkinson & John Suits/ Lone Suspect LLC
Shane's Inspiration "Walk and Roll" Principal Scott Williams
Adventist Health Principal Sasha Levinson/ Humble
Target "Cat & Jack Back to School" Principal Achim Lippoth/ A White Label Product
Lincoln Financial "Precious Few" Principle The Malloys/ Superprime